Dear Fellow Parents and Readers,
This week marks the start of school, at least for my children, so I thought it was the perfect time to also begin a sharing of my experiences related to dyslexia with you all through this blog. After talking with so many of you who are just beginning your journey with a dyslexia diagnosis, I want to share a multitude of personal insights. I hope that you find my words useful, informative and filled with hope for your child. I want to share my experience, my research, to be a comfort to you during the difficult times and to help you find strength. I want to help you hold on to the promise of the future for your children and to help you convey that promise to your child.
There is no doubt that the deficits that cause dyslexia are going to make the early elementary school years more difficult for your child. Challenges with reading affect practically every subject so there is no escape no matter how “intelligent” you are. When you are a slow or inadequate reader, every moment in school can become a game of avoidance. Avoiding being called on, avoiding doing the work that will out you, avoiding homework that takes you 2 hours when it takes your friends 20 minutes, avoiding teachers and sometimes friends… avoiding letting your secret out.
70-80% of children who struggle with reading are likely dyslexic and 1 in 5 children have dyslexia of some degree. If you have a dyslexic child they are not alone and neither are you. Additionally, although we still have a long way to go, our educational system is headed in the right direction. New research and awareness are progressing. The faster you, as the parent, get up to speed on the options for your child, the more quickly your child can get on a path of success and positive self esteem. Through my daughters I have intimately seen the possibility of dramatic change in a child who has been given the right tools for success, both emotionally and academically.
Over the course of this school year I will write to you with topics I hope you find relevant and beneficial. I look forward to next week, which will focus on starting the school year on the right foot. For now, I simply wanted to say hello and wish you all a successful and happy start of school for you and your children.
Warmest Regards,