Keep KLIMBing Literacy Program - Summer 2018

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Keep KLIMBing Literacy Program - Summer 2018


Kindergarteners and 1st graders, join us...

for a fun, effective and cost-free literacy program designed for young students who are having difficulty with early reading skills (ie: learning the names &/or sounds of letters, rhyming, pronunciation, breaking words into sounds & sounding out simple words). We offer research-based, 1-on-1, multi-sensory tutoring with trained teenage mentors. Our focus is on progress through fun and positivity. 

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2018 Summer Schedule:

Week 1: June 11-14, 12:30-1:30pm

Week 2: June 18-21, 12:30-1:30pm

Week 3: June 25-28, 12:30-1:30pm

Location: OLA Preschool, 1341 Cortez Ave. 
