"During the first week of the Keep KLIMBing reading program and, for the first time ever, my son came home and, on his own, pulled out a book and started reading." Keep KLIMBing buddy parent
Can We Afford Dyslexia?
The Importance of Dyslexia Identification
If your child or student is experiencing difficulty learning to read, don't wait, get them assessed. Simply gaining understanding, even before intervention, is sure to aid in a more accurate self concept for your capable child.
Dyslexia and Accommodations
We are fortunate to be living in an age of advanced technology, which allows the kind of accommodations dyslexics need in order to compete at their intellectual ability regardless of their fluency rate.
Dyslexia & Temperament
Taking a look at dyslexic children through the lens of temperament can be abundantly helpful in order to access their motivations and ultimately their potential.